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Operation Makesafe

What does this mean for me?

You might have been directed to this website because you have been asked questions in a hotel – these questions may have felt personal and intrusive. The hotel staff asked these questions to ensure the welfare of some of your party. We want to create a safer stay for all.

Hotel staff across England and Wales are being trained to spot the signs of potential child sexual abuse and exploitation and are working really hard to protect young people and children. This can sometimes mean that they have conversations that feel difficult. We assure you it’s for the right reasons and the intention is never to cause stress or upset. 

Please work with hotel staff and support the work they do to protect some of the most vulnerable children and young people in our communities. 

We know that these are uncomfortable conversations to have, but important ones. We know abuse and exploitation takes place in hotels, we are all working together to prevent it.

If you are concerned that a young person may be being abused or exploited, please call 999.

What is Operation Makesafe?

Operation Makesafe works to prevent child sexual exploitation, specifically incidents which take place in hotels and other forms of accommodation within the hospitality industry. 

The work, being overseen by the CSE Taskforce is important for several reasons:  

·       It highlights the issue of hotels being used as locations to abuse and exploit children,

·       Raises awareness of the positive work being undertaken to prevent this,

·       Support the public in helping them to better understand the purpose of interventions carried out by hotel staff to safeguard children and young people.


Hotels can be unwittingly used by offenders to enable their criminality. Police forces across England and Wales are working hard to protect children and young people by detecting and preventing child sexual exploitation, through the implementation of Operation Makesafe. The key to this work is the power of partnership work, and what can be delivered through police, the hotel industry and third sector partners working together.



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Download our one page guidance for hotel staff

Download our extended guidance for hotel staff

Download our force information pack

Download our force control room and incident briefing sheet